Scott B. Weingart

Hi! I’m Scott B. Weingart, and I wear many hats. By day, I am a Federal Chief Data Officer in the U.S. government.¹ In my off time, I’m a historian of knowledge affiliated with the University of Edinburgh’s Centre for Data, Culture & Society, as well as a professional circus performer, an amateur father, and a hopeless adventurer.

Read about my day job on my cv or my résumé. If you like what you see, hire me.

Scott B. Weingart in front of mountains

My work wanders between categories, but here are some highlights:

Before my current role, I directed tech-inflected scholarly programs at the University of Notre Dame and at Carnegie Mellon University. I’m privileged to have served in leadership roles in some amazing organizations, including the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations and the Association for Computers and the Humanities.

See my curriculum vitae for a more exhausting exhaustive list, my google scholar for some greatest hits, and my résumé for a brief summary. Email me to get in touch.

¹ This is a personal website. Views here do not reflect the U.S. government.