Hi! I’m Scott B. Weingart, and I wear many hats. In my off time, I’m a historian of knowledge affiliated with the University of Edinburgh’s Centre for Data, Culture & Society, as well as a professional circus performer, an amateur father, and a hopeless adventurer. You can read about my day job on my cv.

My work wanders between categories, but here are some highlights:
- Books including The Network Turn (Cambridge University Press), The Historian’s Macroscope (Imperial College Press), and some earlier digital-only volumes.
- Research articles spanning folklore (Fortier prize winning), philosophy, data ethics, biodiversity, history, networks, data visualization, computer vision, science modeling, archaeology, and web archiving, among other disciplines.
- Popular press pieces, including Vice’s The Route of a Text Message.
- Research software and platform development, including the Sci2 Tool, the Network Workbench, the Digits platform, and others.
- Many web-based projects, including Six Degrees of Francis Bacon, the Digital Humanities Literacy Guidebook, the ePistolarium, the Index of Digital Humanities Conferences, ETHOS, the Frankenstein Variorum, Shakespeare-VR, and the Internet Philosophy Ontology Project.
- Creative works, including an AI-assisted short story co-authored with Robin Sloan: the Center for Midnight.
- Public lectures and keynote addresses, including at HASTAC, the Digital Humanities Forum, and elsewhere.
Before my current role, I directed tech-inflected scholarly programs at the University of Notre Dame and at Carnegie Mellon University. I’m privileged to have served in leadership roles in some amazing organizations, including the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations and the Association for Computers and the Humanities.
See my curriculum vitae for a more exhausting exhaustive list, or google scholar for some greatest hits. Email me to get in touch.